Hoses and Reels Support

Find help and support for our hoses and reels. Click below to a link to our product manuals, scroll down for help on specific issues and to view support videos.

Retraction Issues

Click HERE to download our troubleshooting guide for hose reel retraction issues.

This may occur if the hose has overlapped itself. To resolve, pull the hose until it’s fully extended. Use one hand to support the unit and pull with force until untangled.

If the hose is not locking when extended, it may be that the locking mechanism is a little stiff and needs assistance to engage for the first time. To resolve:

Turn the reel on its side with the leader hose side up. Do this on a soft surface such as grass or carpet so the reel is not damaged.

Raise the reel 1ft off the ground and drop. This will not damage the reel. It is intended to jolt the locking pin into play.


Use a flathead screwdriver to remove the circular side cover located on the same side as the leader hose. If a small drip is coming from between the leader hose and the elbow joint, it can be fixed by tightening the hose clamp with a Phillips-head screwdriver.

Ensure your Hoselink Quick Connect Fitting or watering tool is threaded properly and screwed on tight.


Extend the hose and turn the water on full pressure to remove any kinks. The hose should not retain a memory and kinks should fill out. 
Always walk the hose out as needed, do not stand at the hose reel and pull the hose out pooling it at your feet. A kink can occur when you then walk it out.
Ensure the Hose Reel is mounted with the ability to swivel freely 180°.

Water pressure

Compare pressure when the spray nozzle is detached to ensure it is not a blockage within the sprayer.  

Fully extend the hose, inspect for kinks, and turn the tap on full to remove possible pinch points.  Reverse water flow through the reel by attaching the spray end of the hose to the faucet to try and dislodge any blockage.  Please note this product is not suitable for use with very low water pressure.  

Hole in Hose

If the hose has sustained damaged, it can be repaired with the use of Hoselink’s Hose Repair Kit. Contact customer support for more information. 

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